Jennifer DeSantos


Jennifer is, well was, a kindergarten teacher. And she loved her job. Loves, actually. She still wants to be a teacher, but in her current... condition, she can't.

Her life change a couple of months ago when she was attacked by... something. She thought it was a man and she had her mace in her hand, but then the figure dissolved into a storm of electrical force that enveloped her. She woke up hours later in the hospital. She didn't know that anything was wrong until a student complained that she'd hit them when in reality she'd just placed her hand on their back in between their shoulders and a jolt of electricity sent the child stumbling to the ground. She, of course, denied any wrong-doing, but was placed on administrative leave and an investigation was started.

She was devastated. That's when the visions started. The flashes of vision. It was like she was seeing though someone else's eyes. Someone whose body could dissolve into a storm of electricity to envelop their victims. She quickly realized that she shares some kind of connection with her attacker, and that freaks her out.

But, at the same time, she harbors a bit of hope. If she can track this whoever down, maybe she can get them to undo what they did to her. Maybe then she won't shoot blasts of electricity out of her body. Maybe then, she can get back to her life and the teaching she loves. Maybe then... well, it's probably useless. But she's not going to stop trying.

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